0. Type 0:Câu điều kiện có thật ở hiện tại

If clauseMain clause
If + S + V1 / V s(es)
(Nếu có not thì mượn trợ động từ: don’t / doesn’t + Vo)
S + V1 / V s(es)
(Nếu có not thì mượn trợ động từ: don’t / doesn’t + Vo)
1. Type 1:Câu điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai

If clauseMain clause
If + S + V1 / V s(es),
(Nếu có not thì mượn trợ động từ: don’t / doesn’t + Vo)

S + will / can/ may + Vo
(won’t / can’t + Vo)

SHOULD + S + Vo,
Notes: If + S + V1 / V s(es), Vo / don’t Vo.

(If this Hitachi air compressor doesn’t work, call my company 0914-304-112. Hitachi air compressor: máy nén khí Hitachi)

Vo / Don’t Vo if + S + V1 / V s(es)

(Call my company 0914-304-112 if this Hitachi air compressor doesn’t work.

2. Type 2:Câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại

If clauseMain clause
If + S + V2/ed
(Nếu có not thì mượn trợ động từ: didn’t + Vo)
To be: were / weren’t

S + would / could / might + Vo
(wouldn’t / couldn’t + Vo)
WERE + S + …., (ĐẢO were khi câu có to BE)
WERE + S + to V….,
(MƯỢN were khi câu có V thường)
If it were not for/ WERE + it + not + for /But for/Without….+ N,

3. Type 3:
Câu điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ

If clauseMain clause
If + S + had + V3/Ved
(Nếu có not thì thêm not sau had: hadn’t + V3/Ved)

S + would / could / might + have + V3/Ved
(wouldn’t / couldn’t + have + V3/Ved)
Had + S + (not) + V3/Ved
If it had not been for/Had + it + not + BEEN + for /But for/Without….+ N,

4. Type 4 (3+2) (Mixed conditional):

If + S + had + V3/Ved (yesterday, last, ago),S would (not) Vo (now, today, this morning)
If+ S + V2/didn’t V (now, today),S would have (not) V3/Ved (yesterday, last, ago).

If Clause
Main Clause
If 0S + V1S + V1Diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên luôn đúng
If 1
S + V1S + can / will + Vo
Don’t Vo……
có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại/ tương lai
If 2S + V2S + would/ could + Votrái với hiện tại
If 3
S + had V3S + would /could (not) + have V3trái với quá khứ
If 4S + had V3S + would/ could + Vodiễn tả một việc đã làm trong QK nhưng kết quả ở hiện tại (yesterday, last, ago), (now, this morning, today)
If 1Should + S (not) +Vo..., S + will Vo
If2V tobe: wereWere + S (not) ........, S + would V0
V thườngWere + S (not) + To Vo …, S + would V0…
If 3Had + S (not) + V3, S + would have V3..
If 4Had + S (not) + V3, S + would V0.


If … not = unlessnếu … không (MĐ IF)- If you do not study harder, you will get low grade.
= Unless you study harder, you will get low grade.
- If he is not here, you can leave.
= Unless he is here, you can leave.
or, or else, otherwisenếu không thì (MĐ Chính)- Go out now or I will call the police
= Go out now, otherwise I will call the police
in casetrong trường hợp, phòng khi (MĐ IF)- You should bring the umbrella in case it rains.
provided / providing (that) / as long asmiễn là (MĐ IF)- You can camp here provided you leave no mess.
suppose/supposing thatGiả sử là (MĐ IF)Supposing that you had a lot of money, what would you do?
on condition thatVới điều kiện là (MĐ IF)On condition that you pay it back tomorrow, I will lend you the book.
*NOTE: - Không chia “will” trong mệnh đề If, không có “not” trong mệnh đề unless .


1. Unreal in the PresentS + V (present) + as if + S + V2/ ed
2. Unreal in the Past S + V (past) + as if + S + had V3/ ed
Ex: 1. He acts as though he were rich. (He is not rich)

2. Betty talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize. (She didn’t win the grand prize)


1. Future wishS + WISH + S would / could + Vo
2. Present WishS + WISH + S + V2/ed (past subjunctive)
3. Past wishS + WISH + S + had V3/ed (could have V3/ed )
Ex: 1. I wish I could be an astronaut in the future.

2. I wish I were rich. (I am poor now)

3. She wishes she hadn’t failed her exam last year. (She failed her exam last year.)


But for/ Without + N
= If it weren’t for + N
= If it hadn’t been for + N

S + would / could + Vo (if 2)
S + would / could + have + V3/ ed (if 3)


: xác định loại If

+ nếu câu đề có OR/ AND à loại 1, Hiện tại à Loại 2, Quá Khứ à loại 3, HT + QK -> loại 4

B2: Xác định mệnh đề IF để viết trước

+ If là mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân (sau because, trước chữ so, mệnh đề/câu 1…)

+ phủ định à khẳng định và ngược lại (any à some, some à any)

Phủ định NOT + ANY, Khẳng định đi với SOME

If Clause
Main Clause
If 0S + V1S + V1Diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên luôn đúng
If 1
S + V1S + can / will + Vo
Don’t Vo……
có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại/ tương lai
If 2S + V2S + would/ could + Votrái với hiện tại
If 3
S + had V3S + would /could (not) + have V3trái với quá khứ
If 4S + had V3S + would/ could + Vodiễn tả một việc đã làm trong QK nhưng kết quả ở hiện tại (yesterday, last, ago), (now, this morning, today)
Exercise 1: Give the corect form of verbs.

  • If they don’t call you, (not, come) ____don’t come____ there.
  • If it (not, rain) ___doesn’t rain____, I will come to see you.
  • I (drive) ____would drive____ to work if I had a car.
  • If the weather (be) ______is____ good, we will have lunch outside.
  • Bring him another if he (not/like) ___does not like___this one.
  • Suppose (If) they had offered her a job, do you think she (take) _____would have taken______?
  • Had she not been ill yesterday, she (go) ____would go____ to work now.
  • Should there be any changes in the timetable, _____don’t forget___ (not, forget) to ring me up.
  • If the company offers me a job, I think I (take) ______will take____ it.
  • Many people would be out of work if that factory (close) ____closed____ down.
  • If you finish before 4: 30, I (come) ______will come____ and pick you up.
  • If he had listened to me, he (not, fail) ______wouldn’t have failed____ in the exam.
  • If I (know) ____had known_____ about the job, I would have applied for it.
  • If I (realize) ___had realized____ that Greg wanted to get up early, I would have woken him up.
  • If you had had breakfast, you (not be) ___wouldn’t be____ hungry now.
  • What will we do if the taxi______doesn’t come____ (not, come).
  • ____Were you to drive___ (you, drive) more carefully, you would not cause so many accidents.
  • If I had taken his advice, I _____would be____ (be) rich now.
  • If he had been more careful, he_____wouldn’t have had___ an accident. (not, have).
  • 20. She wouldn’t have left him _____had he not treated_____(he, not treat) her so badly.
If 1Should + S (not) +Vo..., S + will Vo
If2V tobe: wereWere + S (not) ........, S + would V0
V thườngWere + S (not) + To Vo …, S + would V0…
If 3Had + S (not) + V3, . S + would have V3..
If 4Had + S (not) + V3, S + would V0.
  • She wouldn’t have left him _____had he not treated_____(he, not treat) her so badly.
  • (not be, I) ______Had I not been______busy yesterday, I would have visited you.
  • (we/invest)____Had we invested_____ in telecommunication industry, we would be rich by now.
  • (I/pay) ____Had I paid_____ more attention in French classes when I was at school, I would understand what that man is saying. (If 4)
  • (the drought/not lower)___Had the drought not lowered____ the reservoir, the ancient village wouldn't have been discovered. (If 3)
  • (it/not be) __Had it not been__ for his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now. (If 4)
  • (you/have) ____Should you have____ any problem with merchandise, contact your local dealer. (If 1)
  • George wouldn't have met Mary (he/go) ____had he gone_____ to his brother's graduation party. (If 3)
  • (any employee/be) ill ____Should any employee be_____, they must call the office to inform their head of department. (If 1)
  • (you/offer)___Were you offered___ that job, would you have to move to another city? (If 2) PASSIVE
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câu điều kiện trong tiếng anh conditional sentences máy nén khí máy nén khí hitachi

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